Health Care Reform

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Reasons to Lose Sleep over the Shutdown and Obamacare

by Scott McLarty Common Dreams, October 6, 2013 Sure, the government shutdown and Republican demands regarding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are reprehensible, but let’s not delude ourselves about the ACA itself. It’s needlessly complex. It preserves medical treatment as a commodity rather than a right: low-cost policies will provide low-quality insurance. It imposes a direct public subsidy to feed the insurance industry, which helped write the legislation. It isn’t universal. Millions of people who lacked it will now have health insurance, but the coverage they get won’t approach the level of health-care access guaranteed to every citizen in every…

The “I”- Word, the Media and Health Care Reform

OpEd News by Cecile Lawrence Last Thursday (May 23, 2013), the politically-focused media outlet The Hill reported that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had made the statement that undocumented immigrants who become U.S. citizens under immigration reform will not have access to “Obamacare” or Medicaid [1]. What is perhaps most striking about the statement, however, is that, as the report points out, Pelosi did not actually use the term “undocumented” in referring to the immigrants; she apparently chose to refer to them over and over as “illegals.” Most “liberals,” or progressives, will undoubtedly find Pelosi’s choice of words troublesome, since it…