Articles by Green Papers

US Greens speak out against TPP, TTIP

Global Greens by Scott McLarty May 4, 2015 The US Congress is preparing to vote on fast-track authority for President Obama, in support of a quick approval for the President to promote the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). On April 22, Senate Finance Committee approved fast-track legislation. The following day, fast track passed in the US House Ways and Means Committee after ten hours of debate. The next step will be a vote in House. (“Fast track” is a mechanism allowing the President to sign trade deals before Congress votes on them; when the vote eventually happens it must be a simple…

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Jim Webb, the Green Party and the Future of the Left

CounterPunch by Camilo Gómez April 29, 2015 Searching for an Alternative to Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton is supposed to be a liberal and of course the liberal establishment is backing her. But a lot of rank-and-file democrats seem no hope in the former First Lady that’s why the “Draft Warren” effort had been popular even the Massachusetts Senator doesn’t seem interesting in run. Besides the almost quixotic attempt of the “Draft Warren” attempt, Hillary will not face a serious challenger in the Democratic Primaries maybe with one exception. Jim Webb is a strong candidate even if the liberal establishment always…

Do Marxist Principles Permit Us to Be Greens?

The North Star by Mark Lause, State Committee, Green Party of Ohio March 22, 2015 If I had a dollar for every time I heard somebody say that they wouldn’t support the Greens because they were “a bourgeois party,” I’d probably be able to buy my very own state legislator . . . or, at least, a cheap city councilman. While this assertion seems usually intended to kill the subject, I think a more refined understanding about the class nature of political parties among American Marxists is worth the risk of a discussion. Not that this is easy in 21st…

Green Party Says It Is The Alternative to Warmongers and Special Interests

by Glenn Davis Originally published at IVN Despite its name, the concerns of the Green Party reach far beyond ecology and environmental issues. The party believes citizens, not corporations, are the true stakeholders in democracy. “Greens seek to bring vibrant grassroots democracy to every part of the United States,” its platform says. The Green Party defines itself with 10 key values, including grassroots democracy, social justice, ecology, non-violence, sustainability, feminism, diversity, and responsibility. For the purpose of this article, the Green Party (or simply, “the Greens”) refers to the Green Party of the United States, a federation of multiple state…

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Hillary Won’t Save Us, Neither Will Bernie or Liz

by Scott McLarty Originally published by OpEd News. 21st-century time bombs like global warming require a drastic change in the U.S. political landscape March 31 news item: President Obama’s Interior Department has approved leases for high-risk oil drilling in the fragile Arctic waters of the Chukchi Sea north of the Bering Strait. Interior’s rush approval, overriding an earlier ruling from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, should remind us of the inconsistencies in the President’s 2015 State of the Union speech. On one hand, a declared commitment to fight global warming. On the other hand, a call to develop more…