Articles by Green Papers

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Illinois doesn’t have to settle for austerity

The Southern by Rich Whitney April 3, 2015 There is a certain “conventional wisdom” gripping Illinois, shared by our Governor, most legislators, and the vast majority of news media voices, including certain columnists at this paper. According to this narrative, our budget and pension systems are unsustainable due to years of state “overspending” or “living beyond our means.” Now, due to our horribly underfunded public pension systems, our state government has “no choice” but to cut or eliminate pensions and benefits for retirees, dramatically cut state spending, or do some combination of both. Neither the premise nor the conclusion are…

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Eugene Puryear: A Revolutionary Perspective on Why the Left Should Engage in Electoral Politics

Black Agenda Report by Marsha Coleman March 25, 2015 “Building political instruments that people most oppressed by this system can believe in is a precondition for actual change.” Eugene Puryear, a 29 year-old African-American activist, was the vice presidential nominee of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) in the 2008 election. He recently ran for an At-Large seat in the DC Council with the D.C. Statehood Green Party. Puryear is the National Organizer of the anti-war ANSWER coalition and has helped organize large protests against the Israeli blockade of Gaza. Puryear and the ANSWER coalition were involved in the…

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Why I Would Support Stein over Sanders

The Politics of Courage February 11, 2015 by Anthony Gonzalez Jill Stein MD announced Friday she has formed a committee to explore the option of pursuing the Green Party’s presidential nomination after winning it in 2012 and subsequently receiving the highest percentage of the popular vote of any female presidential contender in a US general election — a percentage triple the one garnered by her party’s previous standard-bearer. Those who accepted that nomination in 2000, 2004 and 2008 declined to go for it again. Now, all who share Dr. Stein’s basic vision should stand by to take advantage of her…

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Red My Lips: A Simple Act Of Outright Defiance

February 11, 2015 by Anita Stewart for Challenging the Rhetoric and Wise Women Media Violence against women continues even though we as women think “we can bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan,” to quote the old Enjoli perfume commercial from years ago. We would like to think we are liberated and free. Well, I don’t want to be a “Debbie Downer” but nothing could be further from the truth. Even the Equal Rights Amendment did not make us equal to men as it is not yet law in the US as it needs to be…

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Astigmatism Afflicts Our Nations Racial Vision

by Asa Gordon “The practical construction of American life is a convention against us. Human law may know no distinction among men in respect of rights, but human practice may. Examples are painfully abundant ” ~ Frederick Douglass It is painfully abundant in the contemporary examples: #HandsUpDontShoot; #ICantBreathe; and #BlackLivesMatter. The problem is that there has evolved a consensus focus of Liberal and conservative pundits on a distorted vision that our broken judicial system does not value the view that “Black Lives Matter”. That astigmatized consensus is blind to our judicial systems’ historical legacy that systematically devalues the testimony of…