Green Party

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Why the Green Party

As Greens, we are all here to save the planet. I believe that there is no lack of consensus on that. But that could also be said of the membership of the hundreds of NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations) which currently exist? The reason we’re are here, in the Green Party, and not in  NGO’s is that we see our particular role  as being members of a political party, and not in belonging to yet another NGO. This is not to trash the NGO’s — it is just to point out why we are the the Green Party of the United States,…

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The Stone that Brings Down Goliath? Richmond and Eminent Domain

The Web of Debt  by Ellen Brown March 3, 2014 In a nearly $13 billion settlement with the US Justice Department in November 2013, JPMorganChase admitted that it, along with every other large US bank, had engaged in mortgage fraud as a routine business practice, sowing the seeds of the mortgage meltdown. JPMorgan and other megabanks have now been caught in over a dozen major frauds, including LIBOR-rigging and bid-rigging; yet no prominent banker has gone to jail. Meanwhile, nearly a quarter of all mortgages nationally remain underwater (meaning the balance owed exceeds the current value of the home), sapping…

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If Bernie Sanders Runs in 2016: Dem, Indy, or Green?

by Scott McLarty firedoglake February 13, 2014 A Democratic or Independent Sanders campaign for the White House won’t ignite a “political revolution.” But a Green Sanders campaign might. Should Sen. Bernie Sanders (Ind.-Vt.) run for president? The creeping realization that the next Democratic nominee may be Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has already picked up $400,000 in speaking fees (i.e., unofficial campaign contributions, i.e., bribes) from Goldman Sachs, is making a progressive alternative increasingly attractive for 2016. Sen. Sanders is mulling the idea and a few Draft Sanders efforts are underway. By progressive, I mean favoring an immediate shutdown of Guantanamo…

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Secretive trade agreement would undermine democracy

Post-Standard by Ursula Rozum January 20, 2014 Any speck of democracy and sovereignty we the people have left in this country is under attack. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a new international trade pact crafted by multinational corporations and currently being negotiated in secret by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) along with 11 other foreign governments. Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) describes the agreement as “an attack on democratic governance” and “a punch in the face to the middle class of America.” The TPP began as trade talks among a few Pacific Rim countries, but has been expanded…

From a Green perspective, another disappointing election

by Ursula Rozum November 17, 2013 Ursula Rozum is a guest columnist who writes monthly for and The Post-Standard. She ran for Congress on the Green Party line in 2012, is an officer in the local Green Party organization and managed Howie Hawkins’ campaign for Syracuse Common Council this year. Another election has gone by and little has changed. The local power structure kept its people in office. The Democrats still hold every elected office in the city and the problems that have grown worse under their one-party rule remain the same – high poverty, high unemployment, low…