fossil fuels

The Planet is Under Attack this Earth Day

How NY Can Resist Trump By Mark Dunlea, Green Education and Legal Fund On Earth Day, scientists and their supporters will be marching in DC and throughout the country to counter the anti-science climate change deniers who control the federal government and are gleefully seeking to destroy the EPA and bail out the fossil fuel industry. The need for action by state and local governments – and the leadership of grassroots activists – is more urgent than ever. The question for New Yorkers is “is the state doing enough?” The clear answer, sadly, is no. The state is moving in…

Beyond Fossil Fuels

In his State of the Union speech on January 25, 2011, the President of the U.S. has understandably and rightfully focused on the issue of jobs. But he is not listening to the right people. Not only do we need to snuff out the attitudes and actions on Wall Street and elsewhere that led to the economic crisis in the fall of 2009 but we need to be looking ahead instead of remaining mired in the past when it comes to energy. President Obama has given every indication that he supports the continued use of fossil fuels in the U.S….