Articles by Green Papers

About That Post-Bernie Movement

counterpunch By Scott Mclarty May 18, 2016 Now that it’s almost inevitable Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination, the talk is turning to what will come out of Bernie Sanders’ campaign after the Democratic National Convention. Enthusiasm is growing for a post-Sanders movement. Khwaja Khusro Tariq writes “if one accepts that Hillary is the most likely Democratic nominee for president does that mean we pack it up and go home? No. We signed up for a political revolution, not just this campaign.” Even Noam Chomsky is optimistic: Mr. Sanders has “mobilized a large number of young people who are…

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The Green Party and LGBTQIA+ Rights

Huffington Post By Michael Dennis May 17, 2016 Today the world celebrates International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOT). This “global celebration of sexual and gender diversities,” provides us a space to recognize the struggle against violence and discrimination of LGBTI persons worldwide. I take that opportunity to reflect on the contributions that the Green Party has made to LGBTI persons and call upon my party to challenge itself in helping advance justice for this community. As far as political parties, the Green Party has been ahead of the curve regarding including LGBTQIA+ persons in our policies and values….

Safe States, Inside-Outside, and Other Liberal Illusions

counterpunch By Howie Hawkins May 10, 2016 Bernie Sanders is on his way to an endorsement of Hillary Clinton, the candidate of War, Wall Street, and Wal-Mart. Sanders ran as a New Deal Democrat, but he will soon be campaigning for a plain old corporate New Democrat. To keep his troops engaged through this transition, Sanders will stage a few rules and platform fights at the convention. But rule changes are irrelevant to the real party power structure of candidate organizations and their corporate investors. Any platform planks won will be irrelevant as well. No corporate Democrat will feel bound…

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Building the Greens Into a Mass Party: Interview with Bruce Dixon

counterpunch By Ann Garrison May 4, 2016 Bernie Sanders’ defeats in the East Coast primaries have triggered a flurry of conversation about what the 25 to 35% of Sanders supporters who’ve told pollsters they will not vote for Hillary Clinton will do instead. Socialist Alternative, led by Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant, and others have called for Sanders to found an independent left party for the 99% and run as an independent, or to appeal to Jill Stein and the Green Party to join their ticket, despite his oft repeated promise to endorse the Democrats’ nominee. With little time…

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Is Hillary Stealing the Nomination? Will Bernie Birth a Long-Term Movement?

Reader Supported News By Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman, April 27, 2016 At this delicate moment in the primary season, we all need to take a deep breath and evaluate what comes next. Bernie Sanders has a mathematical chance to win. But Hillary seems the likely Democratic nominee. Donald Trump has an army of delegates. But if he doesn’t win on the first ballot, Paul Ryan could be the Republican nominee. Oy! For a wide variety of reasons, we believe Hillary and Bernie could beat Trump. But we’re not sure about Ryan, who we find absolutely terrifying. Key is the…