Articles by Green Papers

Dr. Jill Stein and Dr. Margaret Flowers on Sanders’ Health Care Plan

Real News Network February 1, 2016 Green Party candidates Dr. Jill Stein and Dr. Margaret Flowers say Sanders is right about healthcare, but the Democratic Party will block him Green Party candidates Dr. Jill Stein and Dr. Margaret Flowers say Sanders is right about healthcare, but the Democratic Party will block him – February 1, 2016 Dr. Margaret Flowers is a pediatrician in the Baltimore area and a co-chair of the Maryland chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP). She is also a Co-Director of and It’s Our Economy. Jill Stein was the Green Party’s 2012 candidate…

Think Green: Jill Stein on ‘Abusive’ Political Relationships, Restorative Justice and Bernie Sanders

The Green Party supports reparations, fights against environmental racism and takes an unambiguous stance against police brutality and deportation. So why aren’t more African-American and Latino voters paying attention? The Root By: Kirsten West Savali January 28, 2016 Election cycle 2016 has kicked into high gear, and the unrelenting battle for political power between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party has taken center stage. This political paradigm is not new. In a 1956 piece titled, “Why I Won’t Vote,” published in The Nation, W.E.B. Du Bois issued a statement many considered radical for his time, one that appears to…

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Finding a Cure for Bernie Sanders’ and Hillary Clinton’s Health Care Plans

Truthdig by Margaret Flowers and Jill Stein January 22, 2016 Hillary Clinton’s recent attack on Sen. Bernie Sanders for his advocacy of single-payer health plan has brought the health care crisis into the spotlight. We are both physicians who have a long history of working on health policy. While the two Democratic candidates offer proposals that are very different from each other, we see that neither is calling out health care privatization as the fatal flaw in the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Clinton argues we can simply expand the Affordable Care Act to achieve universal coverage, which we view as…

Martin Shkreli

‘Pharma Bro’ Goes to Jail, But His Worst Crimes Remain Legal

Punk Patriot By Asher Platts December 17, 2015 Martin Shkreli finally goes to jail! Photos of the “Pharma Bro’s” perp walk populated many of our facebook feeds in celebration of this unscrupulous capitalist finally getting his just desserts. This is reason for celebration, right? Well, sort of. The real crime that brought Mark Shkreli into the public limelight was his price-gouging of Daraprim, a drug used to treat toxoplasmosis in patients with AIDS. He had recently purchased the intellectual property rights to Daraprim and therefore controlled the production and sale of the drug. He proceeded to increase the price of…

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Voting for Either Business Party Does Not Work (Been there, done that)

Dissident Voice By Jack Balkwill December 22nd, 2015 Americans understand the elections are rigged. In the last national election, in 2014, just 36.4 percent of the voting-eligible population cast ballots. Of the 320 million Americans, about 80 million are under age to vote. of the remaining 240 million about 100 million do not participate in the elections. There are a great many reasons to be discouraged. The American government does not represent the American people. One may look at any number of polls showing what the American people want, and what they get, often the direct opposite. For example, citizens…