Articles by Green Papers

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Blacks Will Transform America, and Free Themselves, But Not at the Ballot Box in 2016

Black Agenda Report by BAR executive editor Glen Ford October 21, 2015 “Black voters cannot be counted on to support the most progressive presidential candidates available at the polls.” Bernie Sanders’ surging campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination seems destined to be shipwrecked on the shoals of the Black Belt – where primaries in South Carolina (February 27), Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia (Super Tuesday, March 1), Mississippi (March 8), and North Carolina will be decided by Black voters. In 2008, Blacks made up absolute majorities of Democratic primary voters in Alabama (51 percent), Georgia (52 percent), and South Carolina…

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On Berniebots and Hillary Hacks, Dean Screams, Swiftboating and Smears

counterpunch July 27, 2015 by John Halle While arguably less brain dead than the Obamabots of a few years back, Bernie Sanders has his share of uncritical supporters willing to ignore his disgraceful stands on Israel, his failure to use his campaign to call for reductions in the U.S. military and the war crimes perpetrated by it, his recent capitulation to the Ed Reform agenda, as well as the reality that his economic program is essentially that of the moderate center a generation ago, far from the socialist transformation which the left correctly sees as necessary for the survival of…

Voting for Hilary Clinton?

Media with Conscience by Richard Falk July 14, 2015 Assuming that the current prospects for presidential candidates hold firm, and Hilary Clinton is nominated by the Democrats and Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, or Scott Walker win the Republican nomination, what should a conscientious citizen do when it comes to voting in November 2016? Of course, step one is to rule out support for the Republican candidates due to their regressive views on a range of social and economic issues, and their militarist bluster on foreign and defense policy. Step two is more difficult. Clinton is clearly preferable if the domestic…

Third party politics: Do you really know where you belong?

The Pitt News Rebecca Tasker July 7, 2015 I sat there, staring at my phone’s browser in shock. My results were in — and contrary to what I had strongly believed since I had first learned the definition of the term, I wasn’t a Democrat. According to a political alignment quiz, I was actually a member of the Green Party. My heart slumped to my stomach as I realized that something I had considered an essential part of myself was apparently a lie. I vaguely remembered hearing about the Green Party as part of English politics, but I didn’t even…

Pope Francis: Solving the Climate Crisis Requires New Economic and Political Models

Green Education and Legal Fund by Mark Dunlea The Pope’s urgent plea for global action to address the climate crisis recognizes that effective solutions will require a fundamental re-ordering of economic and political priorities, starting with addressing poverty, inequality and democracy. His Encyclical – On Care for Our Common Home – reflects the call by climate justice advocates to make common cause with other movements for social, racial and economic justice. The United State, as the major climate change contributor and denier, has led the effort for decades to block effective international remedies. Many hope that the Pope’s moral leadership…