2016 Elections

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Building the Greens Into a Mass Party: Interview with Bruce Dixon

counterpunch By Ann Garrison May 4, 2016 Bernie Sanders’ defeats in the East Coast primaries have triggered a flurry of conversation about what the 25 to 35% of Sanders supporters who’ve told pollsters they will not vote for Hillary Clinton will do instead. Socialist Alternative, led by Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant, and others have called for Sanders to found an independent left party for the 99% and run as an independent, or to appeal to Jill Stein and the Green Party to join their ticket, despite his oft repeated promise to endorse the Democrats’ nominee. With little time…

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Is Hillary Stealing the Nomination? Will Bernie Birth a Long-Term Movement?

Reader Supported News By Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman, April 27, 2016 At this delicate moment in the primary season, we all need to take a deep breath and evaluate what comes next. Bernie Sanders has a mathematical chance to win. But Hillary seems the likely Democratic nominee. Donald Trump has an army of delegates. But if he doesn’t win on the first ballot, Paul Ryan could be the Republican nominee. Oy! For a wide variety of reasons, we believe Hillary and Bernie could beat Trump. But we’re not sure about Ryan, who we find absolutely terrifying. Key is the…

Bernie Sanders Has His Plan B. What’s Yours?

Black Agenda Report By BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon April, 13, 2016 “…the numbers are against Bernie. Not the numbers of Democratic activists and voters, but the numbers tabulated by the Democratic party’s official rules….” Bernie Sanders wants and maybe deserves the Democratic presidential nomination. But Bernie does have a Plan B. Bernie’s Plan B is now and has always been supporting Hillary Clinton. Bernie said it a year ago, he repeated it last week, and he’s said it scores of times in between. It’s not a new plan , and his reason is not a new reason. Any…

False Debate Tonight on CNN

The Front Page On-line, Culver City, CA By Michael Feinstein March 21, 2016 If the presidential campaign has shown us anything, it is that traditional political lines are blurred if not irrelevant. That should tell us something about which voices we should be hearing in presidential debates and forums, and concurrently, how we should be rethinking the role of political parties and electoral systems in this country. The George Wallace-style, white nationalist populism of the Donald Trump campaign has little in common with the Wall Street/big business faction of the Republican party. The social democracy promoted by Bernie Sanders has…

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Result of Third-Party Lawsuit Could Decide Outcome of 2016 Election

Breitbart By Jason Scheurer March 7, 2016 A lawsuit filed on September 26, 2015 in Washington D.C. (and its eventual outcome) may turn out to be the most important event of the 2016 presidential election. Virtually ignored by all but a handful of alternative media outlets, this suit has the power to destroy the existing political power structure ─ much like the ridesharing firms, Uber and Lyft, threaten the antiquated taxi industry. If successful, it will permanently expand the number of candidates on the debate stage during the general election by proving that the Commission on Presidential Debates is in…