Democratic Party

The Green Door to the Left

The Huffington Post By Joe ‘The Nerd’ Ferraro May 20, 2016 As Bernie Sanders is peaking in the Democratic Nomination process many pundits claim it is too late for him to be the nominee of the Democratic Party in terms of delegates. While holding a large delegate lead, Hillary Clinton will arrive in Philadelphia an injured candidate. Mysteriously changing voter registrations in caucuses and closed primaries shade the wins she has achieved. FBI investigations into her email servers and clamoring about her quid pro quos to Goldman Sachs drag her credibility into the mud. The fact Barack Obama beat her…

About That Post-Bernie Movement

counterpunch By Scott Mclarty May 18, 2016 Now that it’s almost inevitable Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination, the talk is turning to what will come out of Bernie Sanders’ campaign after the Democratic National Convention. Enthusiasm is growing for a post-Sanders movement. Khwaja Khusro Tariq writes “if one accepts that Hillary is the most likely Democratic nominee for president does that mean we pack it up and go home? No. We signed up for a political revolution, not just this campaign.” Even Noam Chomsky is optimistic: Mr. Sanders has “mobilized a large number of young people who are…

Safe States, Inside-Outside, and Other Liberal Illusions

counterpunch By Howie Hawkins May 10, 2016 Bernie Sanders is on his way to an endorsement of Hillary Clinton, the candidate of War, Wall Street, and Wal-Mart. Sanders ran as a New Deal Democrat, but he will soon be campaigning for a plain old corporate New Democrat. To keep his troops engaged through this transition, Sanders will stage a few rules and platform fights at the convention. But rule changes are irrelevant to the real party power structure of candidate organizations and their corporate investors. Any platform planks won will be irrelevant as well. No corporate Democrat will feel bound…