Green Party

U.S. budget priorities and healthcare

Bay View September 24, 2017 by Barry Hermanson My column last month reported on the vote in the U.S. House of Representatives to support HR 2810, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018. The vote was 344 Yes and 81 No. Seventy-nine percent of our elected representatives in the House voted for “nearly $30 billion more for core Pentagon operations than President Trump requested,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle, July 15, 2017. Not to be outdone, on Sept. 18, 89 percent of the U.S. Senate approved HR 2810. The vote: 89 Yes and 8 No. Following is…

On Trump’s Opposition to the Paris Climate Agreement

By Mark Dunlea Green Education and Legal Fund While COP21 is a flawed agreement, the refusal of the Trump administration to abide by even these limited goals locks us into catastrophic climate change. Congress should – but won’t – rise up and take legislative and oversight action to save the planet. It is up to average Americans to force elected officials to take effective and timely action on climate disruption. The path to a safer planet that creates jobs, improves health and strengthens local communities has long existed. The oil and gas barons use their enormous wealth to subvert the…

Bill Maher and the Corporate Democrats Need to Stop Scapegoating the Grassroots Resistance

Reader Supported News By Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman, May 8, 2017 Corporate Democrats and liberal commentators love to scapegoat the activist left for their catastrophic failures. The blame game just fell to a new low with Bill Maher’s latest attack on Jill Stein. Like Hillary branding Trump supporters as “deplorables,” Bill tells American grassroots activists to “go f*** yourselves with a locally grown organic cucumber.” Hillary says she was “on her way to victory” when FBI Director James Comey and “the Russians” intervened. Maher and others say Stein caused her defeat, as they blamed Ralph Nader for George W….

Storefront Socialism: A Roadmap for the Green Party and the Left

By Christopher Casey In a recent article for Truthdig, Chris Hedges reiterated what many of us on the Left have been saying for some time. The Bernie Sanders campaign will NOT bring about any fundamental change, and represents a tragic diversion of social justice energies into the Democratic Party, a place where progressive movements go to die. Hedges also has some very sharp words about the current state of my Green Party, saying it is “crippled by endemic factionalism and dysfunction”. While I think Hedges’ latter comments are inaccurate and hyperbolic, he is correct in suggesting that the Green Party…

The Democrats’ Undemocratic Strategy Of Smearing The Green Party

Essential Opinion By Nat Perry March 8, 2017 Four months since the upset election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, one of the primary scapegoats of the Democrats for their stunning electoral failure remains the Green Party and its 2016 presidential nominee, Jill Stein. Pointing to final vote tallies in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan that showed Trump’s margin of victory as being below the total vote count for Stein, Democrats have coalesced around the conventional wisdom that Stein voters flipped the election by failing to unite behind the Democratic nominee. As Matthew Rozsa explains the thinking at Salon, “if the…