Hillary Clinton

Safe States, Inside-Outside, and Other Liberal Illusions

counterpunch By Howie Hawkins May 10, 2016 Bernie Sanders is on his way to an endorsement of Hillary Clinton, the candidate of War, Wall Street, and Wal-Mart. Sanders ran as a New Deal Democrat, but he will soon be campaigning for a plain old corporate New Democrat. To keep his troops engaged through this transition, Sanders will stage a few rules and platform fights at the convention. But rule changes are irrelevant to the real party power structure of candidate organizations and their corporate investors. Any platform planks won will be irrelevant as well. No corporate Democrat will feel bound…

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Is Hillary Stealing the Nomination? Will Bernie Birth a Long-Term Movement?

Reader Supported News By Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman, April 27, 2016 At this delicate moment in the primary season, we all need to take a deep breath and evaluate what comes next. Bernie Sanders has a mathematical chance to win. But Hillary seems the likely Democratic nominee. Donald Trump has an army of delegates. But if he doesn’t win on the first ballot, Paul Ryan could be the Republican nominee. Oy! For a wide variety of reasons, we believe Hillary and Bernie could beat Trump. But we’re not sure about Ryan, who we find absolutely terrifying. Key is the…

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Here’s a Way to Hold Wall Street Accountable

Truthdig By Margaret Flowers and Jill Stein February 13, 2016 The year 2016 is off to a rocky start for the stock market, not just in the United States but also globally. Many economists are predicting a financial crash this year or next. Stocks are overvalued without a foundation to hold them up, production is down and debt is high. Central banks, such as the Federal Reserve, have run out of solutions, and investors have run out of confidence in them. The grand illusion of economic recovery is about to be exposed. Financial fraud is at the heart of the…

Why Socialists Can’t Wait for Bernie to Lose

How the biggest socialist candidacy in a century is dividing an already divided movement. Politico By Bill Scher February 4, 2016 Perhaps the most astonishing aspect of the 2016 presidential race is that Bernie Sanders, somehow, has made “socialism” a safe word in American politics. Nearly 100 years ago Socialist presidential candidate Eugene Debs had to campaign from prison; today, Sanders campaigns on socialism in broad daylight. For eight years, Democrats winced when Republicans hurled the “socialist” slur at President Barack Obama; now, 43 percent of likely Iowa Democratic caucus participants, many inspired by Sanders, embrace the label. But the…

Political Revolution and the Third-Party Imperative

OdEd News By Scott McClarty February 3, 2016 “You’ve had your fun with Bernie. Now it’s time to get serious and support Hillary.” That’s the harangue Bernie Sanders’ supporters have been hearing from mainstream bsmocratic Party leaders and their apologists in the media. It’s bound to intensify in the wake of the virtual tie in the Iowa caucuses on February 1 and his projected win in the New Hampshire primary contest. When Dem leaders look at Mr. Sanders, they shudder over the prospect of a repeat of George McGovern’s crushing loss to Richard Nixon. Like Mr. McGovern in 1972, Mr….