Third Party

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Debunked: The Myth That Ralph Nader Cost Al Gore the 2000 Election

disinfo By Good German November 2, 2010 Editor’s Note: While this article is from 2010, it’s well worth another read in 2016 Matthew Jones of USC’s Political Science Department says: It’s really difficult to make the argument that Ralph Nader cost Al Gore the 2000 election, for multiple reasons. There were only 560 votes separating George Bush from Al Gore. That’s essentially within every margin of error, which when it gets within the margin of error, means that there’s too many other factors that could have affected it to say with any confidence what caused Al Gore to lose and…

Why Socialists Can’t Wait for Bernie to Lose

How the biggest socialist candidacy in a century is dividing an already divided movement. Politico By Bill Scher February 4, 2016 Perhaps the most astonishing aspect of the 2016 presidential race is that Bernie Sanders, somehow, has made “socialism” a safe word in American politics. Nearly 100 years ago Socialist presidential candidate Eugene Debs had to campaign from prison; today, Sanders campaigns on socialism in broad daylight. For eight years, Democrats winced when Republicans hurled the “socialist” slur at President Barack Obama; now, 43 percent of likely Iowa Democratic caucus participants, many inspired by Sanders, embrace the label. But the…

Political Revolution and the Third-Party Imperative

OdEd News By Scott McClarty February 3, 2016 “You’ve had your fun with Bernie. Now it’s time to get serious and support Hillary.” That’s the harangue Bernie Sanders’ supporters have been hearing from mainstream bsmocratic Party leaders and their apologists in the media. It’s bound to intensify in the wake of the virtual tie in the Iowa caucuses on February 1 and his projected win in the New Hampshire primary contest. When Dem leaders look at Mr. Sanders, they shudder over the prospect of a repeat of George McGovern’s crushing loss to Richard Nixon. Like Mr. McGovern in 1972, Mr….

Is It Time for Greens and Libertarians to Join Forces?

IVN By Jay Stooksberry November 10, 2015 When it comes to national elections, the deck is stacked against any candidate who doesn’t have a (D) or (R) next to their name. Even third party candidates realize that they are dead in the water before they even had the chance to mount an effort against the two-party duopoly. Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein recently posted a “pre-mortem eulogy” that satirically characterizes her campaign that was “prematurely and surreptitiously extinguished by her many enemies.” It’s time for third parties to change the narrative. It’s time for two prominent political groups –…

Voting for Hilary Clinton?

Media with Conscience by Richard Falk July 14, 2015 Assuming that the current prospects for presidential candidates hold firm, and Hilary Clinton is nominated by the Democrats and Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, or Scott Walker win the Republican nomination, what should a conscientious citizen do when it comes to voting in November 2016? Of course, step one is to rule out support for the Republican candidates due to their regressive views on a range of social and economic issues, and their militarist bluster on foreign and defense policy. Step two is more difficult. Clinton is clearly preferable if the domestic…