Hillary Clinton

Did the GOP Strip & Flip the 2016 Selection?

Columbus Free Press by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman November 18, 2016 Hillary Clinton’s margin of victory in the 2016 vote count continues to climb, at this point well over a million. But her impending defeat in the Electoral College comes with familiar signs that the election was stripped and flipped. These indicators include the realities of pre- and post-election polling; the massive stripping of primarily black, Hispanic and Asian-American voters from computer generated registration rolls mostly maintained by private partisan companies; unverifiable “black box” electronic voting machines and central tabulators, also mostly manufactured and maintained by private corporations, and…

Goodbye, American neoliberalism. A new era is here

The Guardian By Cornel West November 17, 2016 The neoliberal era in the United States ended with a neofascist bang. The political triumph of Donald Trump shattered the establishments in the Democratic and Republican parties – both wedded to the rule of Big Money and to the reign of meretricious politicians. The Bush and Clinton dynasties were destroyed by the media-saturated lure of the pseudo-populist billionaire with narcissist sensibilities and ugly, fascist proclivities. The monumental election of Trump was a desperate and xenophobic cry of human hearts for a way out from under the devastation of a disintegrating neoliberal order…

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Why Trump AND Clinton are both wrong

By Terry Connolly There is no imminent fascist takeover of the government, in fact, the Republican presidential candidate probably isn’t going to win the election. That doesn’t stop Hillary and the Democrats from trying to scare you into voting for her. Recently, even though the polls indicate a Hillary victory in November, the Clintonistas have continued and even increased their attacks on Jill Stein. The attacks on Jill aren’t just from the blogosphere and the professional media, but include Democratic politicians, including the president. They range from vitriolic screeds to rhetorical hyperbole. The rationalizations for voting for her are somewhat…

The Best Ballot Plan Now? ‘Strategic’ Voting for the Stein-Baraka Green Party Ticket

truthdig By Kevin Zeese October 26. 2016 Editor’s note: Kevin Zeese is co-director of Popular Resistance and a senior adviser to the Green Party’s Jill Stein-Ajamu Baraka campaign. Donald Trump is campaigning to win 40 percent of the vote for president—and he’s close, with recent polls showing him in the high 30s. But his final performance will not help. Trump is focusing on topics that will prevent him from broadening his base, such as the women he accuses of lying about his alleged sexual assaults, and what he calls the rigged election. He is fighting with other Republicans, like Paul…

A Good Year to Go Green (Party)

The Hill By Scott McLarty, contributor October 24, 2016 We were treated to a double “October surprise” on Friday, Oct. 7. The video of Donald Trump crowing that his celebrity status entitles him to assault women slightly eclipsed Hillary Clinton‘s leaked speeches. But we still learned that Clinton holds “public and private positions,” that her populist promises regarding free trade, preserving Social Security, and checking the power of Wall Street probably won’t survive Inauguration Day. Millions of voters have figured out that the two major parties don’t represent them. They’re right. It’s not a two-party system, it’s a two-party racket….