Articles by Green Papers

Votes for the Green Party did not cause Trump to get elected

By Lynne Serpe November 12, 2016 Millions of people voted for Green Party candidates up and down the ticket. These included at least 30,980 votes for Stein/Baraka in Wisconsin and 50,686 votes in Michigan. As a long-time Green Party organizer, I am proud of the two million votes we *earned* across the country, including in Michigan & Wisconsin where the current margin between Clinton & Trump is smaller than our support. Factually speaking, those states would not have changed the electoral college outcome. However, if you are concerned about the so-called “spoiler” problem or don’t want to feel compelled to…

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Don’t mourn, organize

Revolutionary Greens Socialism – Adelante! Compañeros, Some post election/circus/media spectacle thoughts: Steady as she goes. The veil is off. That is all… “Trumpismo” was just not supposed to be directly executed by Trump, in our faces. It was supposed to be much more subtly executed by Hillary…sotto voce Nothing has changed for us and our Bottom and to the Left party building directives. Either way, the gloves were going to have to come off and we were going to have to finally learn how to swing against Empire for real, no matter what. We will continue to do our revolutionary duty…

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Why Trump AND Clinton are both wrong

By Terry Connolly There is no imminent fascist takeover of the government, in fact, the Republican presidential candidate probably isn’t going to win the election. That doesn’t stop Hillary and the Democrats from trying to scare you into voting for her. Recently, even though the polls indicate a Hillary victory in November, the Clintonistas have continued and even increased their attacks on Jill Stein. The attacks on Jill aren’t just from the blogosphere and the professional media, but include Democratic politicians, including the president. They range from vitriolic screeds to rhetorical hyperbole. The rationalizations for voting for her are somewhat…

Defying the Politics of Fear

truthdig By Chris Hedges Nov 6, 2016 Chris Hedges gave this talk Saturday evening at a rally in Philadelphia for Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and her running mate, Ajamu Baraka. No social or revolutionary movement succeeds without a core of people who will not betray their vision and their principles. They are the building blocks of social change. They are our only hope for a viable socialism. They are willing to spend their lives as political outcasts. They are willing to endure repression. They will not sell out the oppressed and the poor. They know that you stand…

The Best Ballot Plan Now? ‘Strategic’ Voting for the Stein-Baraka Green Party Ticket

truthdig By Kevin Zeese October 26. 2016 Editor’s note: Kevin Zeese is co-director of Popular Resistance and a senior adviser to the Green Party’s Jill Stein-Ajamu Baraka campaign. Donald Trump is campaigning to win 40 percent of the vote for president—and he’s close, with recent polls showing him in the high 30s. But his final performance will not help. Trump is focusing on topics that will prevent him from broadening his base, such as the women he accuses of lying about his alleged sexual assaults, and what he calls the rigged election. He is fighting with other Republicans, like Paul…